Everising Mitre Cutting Bandsaw | Heavy Duty Dual Column Series

NSW,QLD - Delivers Nationally
$80,000 AUD

($88,000 Inc. GST)

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Everising Mitre Cutting Bandsaw | Heavy Duty Dual Column Series :      $80,000 AUD ($88,000 Inc. GST)

  • Specifications
    Not specified
    Sellers stock ID:
    Column Type, MITRE CUTTING BAND SAWS HW450/650, HW500/900, HW700/1100

    Everising is synonymous in Australia and world wide for being reliable, great value for money, feature packed and the leader in its market segment.

    For over 20 years Complete Machine Tools have been the proud Aussie agents for Everising band saws and circular saws and have forged a very large loyal customer base with numerous customer having multiple Everising machines and 1 customer boasting over 100 Everising saws operating Australia wide.

    Having a great deal of knowledge in sawing and its applications Complete Machine Tools and Everising are the perfect choice when looking for a new band saw whether its a fully auto or semi auto band saw.

    A large product range is available that can suit the most demanding of applications regardless of size or complexity.

    HW Heavy Duty Mitre Cutting Band Saws
    Column Type

    490mm Round
    650 x 450 Rectangle

    500mm Round
    900 x 500 Rectangle

    715mm Round
    1100mm x 700mm Rectangle

    Mitre: +- 45deg ~ 0 ~ -60 deg
    Guide Arm moves on linear guideway, moving with the vice
    Hold down device for anti vibration
    Spray Mist Coolant System
    Automatic Chip Conveyor
    Compensation valve for controlling cutting feed

    Equipped with power loading conveyor single index length can be 1 meter, 1.5 meter, 3 meter.
    Automatic working system with power loading conveyor and HMI for input of cutting data such as length, working jobs and angle setting.
    •Size range 150 - 1300mm
    •Manual, Semi-Automatic & Fully Automatic
    •Single & double Mitre
    •Manual or hydraulic angle adjustment
    •Coolant system

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