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IMET K-TECH 352 F1200 AUTO BANDSAW | DOUBLE MITRE | AUTO | PIVOT | 350 X 200MM (ITALIAN) : $74,000 AUD ($81,400 Inc. GST)
The Imet KTECH 352 F1200 is a pivoting bandsaw with automatic NC rotation and integrated 1200mm motorized feeder
intended to be used for structural steels and steel works factories. The machine is equipped with an easy and
intuitive HMI by 10" touch screen display and can provide a cutting range from +60° to - 45°. Full compatibility with
Industry 4.0 system. The IMET range is manufactured in Italy.
10" touch screen display
KTECH 652 has an easy and intuitive interface dedicate to optimize the user-experience: thanks the CNC system and 10" touch screen display the user can manage all the machine operative function, set up 99 cutting program and multiple cutting length on the same bar, set the number of feeder stroke, the number of pieces and blade speed. It's also possible to do an auto diagnostic to detect errors.
NC control
KTECH line automatic bandsaws have an innovative 4 controlled axis system
(laterial movement and closing of the vice, material feeding and sawframe
rotation), all managed by numeric control. All the machine movement and setting
can be controlled and modified via touch screen display.
The bow is made with electrowelded steel and has tubolar section, big diameter
pulleys (380mm) with hinged blade-cover carter. The sawframe also has an easy
blade-changing system provided by support piston. Hard metal pads on mobile
blade-guides optimize the blade alignment.
Blade and endcutting
KTECH 352 uses a 27x0.9mm blades with high working tension (up to 1900kg/cm2)
that gives high results in terms of material feeding and cutting, allowing to reduce
vibrations and strain on the band and avoid breakages that could damage the
cutting quality. As all Imet machine, also this model ends the cut with the blade
not in parallel with the plate: this systems allows to cut always only a section of
the material even when working with squares.
Sawframe movement
Sawframe rotation and angle setting position is managed by motoreducer
controlled by inverter and it's provided by rack and pinon. The rotation is blocked
by an hydraulic cylinder once the set angles is correct. The machine automtically
synchronized the bow rotation with the vice closing and movement. Descent is
hydraulic with pressure regulators on the mobile panel control, next to the HDI
Mechanical detection device
Mechanical material detection system automatically detech the first point point,
allowing the fast approach of the bow to the material. The end-cutting process is
managed by a microswitch placed on the mobile blade guides that automatically
detect when the cutting process ends.
F1200 integrated feeder
Once loaded, the material movement is provided by the integrated motorized
feeder equipped with self-braking electric motor, incremental screw (that also
optimizes to have perfect positioning and accuracy), inverter and encoder. The
feeder slides on chromed bars with a floating plate to ease the loading of material
that is not perfectly straight.
Cutting precision
KTECH line bandsaws have an automatic control of the pieces size thanks to the
infinitesimal encoder and the automatic correction of the cutting lengths. Thanks
to the innovative angle measurement system (angle reading is set outside the
machine center), the machine has an high positioning accuracy and the best
cutting precision.
Industry 4.0 Ready - SAWfactory + RealTime OPTIONAL
IMET automatic machines can be connected to the company network and be used
remotely thanks SAWFACTORY and modem. SAWFACTORY is a dedicated software
which allows to manage the cutting process from the office desk by setting cutting
programs and monitoring the workflow thanks to the dedicated web app. The
software also allows to also receive assistance by our technicians remotely.
Industry 4.0 - RealTime Kit for OPTIONAL
The kit allows to send from the machine to the MES information in real
time about: machine status, cut pieces situation, automatic cycle progession. The
connection is provided via a Web service made available by the user on his own
LAN; the webservice will act as a filter between the bandsaw and the internal MES
(the kit is available only if the "Industry 4.0 Ready" package is already installed
Industry 4.0 Ready - OneLoad Kit for MES OPTIONAL
The kit allows to load from the company office/MES to the machine software a
cutting list/program to optimize the internal workflow while avoiding possible
mistakes made by the machine operator. It's necessary, for the customer, to have
an FTP server on te same LAN where both SAWprogram software and cutting
program are installed. A "shortcut" is enabled on the machine control to load the
cutting lists and start the cycle (the kit is available only if the "Industry 4.0 Ready"
package is already installed).
Cutting capacity at 0° Round: 305mm - Square: 250mm - Rectangular: 350x200mmm
Cutting capacity at 45° left/right Round: 255mm - Square: 230mm - Rectangular: 230x200mmm
Cutting capacity at 60° left Round: 175mm - Square: 155mm - Rectangular: 170x100mmm
Cutting capacity with bundle device Max 300x160mm - Min 85x10mm
Cutting capacity at 0° - solids (C45) 200mm
Minimum cutting length 20mm
Minimum cutting diameter 20mm
Minimum scrap-end 150mm
Blade size 3370x27x0.9mm
Blade motor 1.8KW
Blade speed range 15-100 m/min
Feeder (single stoke)- motor power 1150mm with ballscrew - 0.75KW
Hydraulic unit tank capacity 20l
Coolant tank 100l
Machine size 2935x2400x1900mm - 2100kg