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LEADWELL BC-600 | 5 AXIS MACHINING CENTRE : $360,000 AUD ($396,000 Inc. GST)
This superb machine is the answer for the customer who wants to do multi axis roughing and finishing on a wide range of materials on the same machine.
In keeping with the Leadwell philosophy of providing high performance machine tools that are exceptional value for money and offer a fast return on investment the BC-600 has many highly desirable features.
Check out the features of this machine:
Table Size: 1280mm x 610mm
Direct drive design provides backlash free movement
5 axis simultaneous machining
X Axis Travel: 1100mm
Y Axis Travel: 610mm
Z Axis Vertical Travel: 650mm
Z Axis Horizontal Travel: 790mm
No counterweight design and cone column provides smooth movement and reduces headstock weight enhancing performance.
Embedded removable rotary table: 600mm diameter (optional)
Rapid feed rate: 36/36/30
Spindle Speed: 15,000 rpm
Spindle Motor (30 min): FANUC: 18.5 Kw
Programme storage: Up to 21 GB
Low backlash swivel head: B axis with standard optical scale
Tool Storage: 40 tools
DCM function reduces danger of collisions
KINEMATICSOPT Geometry Error Compensation reduces the danger of collisions in five axis applications
Fully Enclosed Guarding with safety interlocked door
Dual auger type chip conveyor
Work Light
Machine status/alarm light stack
Rigid tapping
Auto workpiece counter
Remote MPG
Full surround coolant system
Linear scale measuring
Chip conveyor extends outside machine
Chip bucket
Air conditioner
Spindle annular coolant jet ( arm type ATC)
Extra wide column and base for additional rigidity
One piece motor housing and double nut ball screw enhances rigidity
Huge 40mm ball screws on all axes
OPTIONAL Accessories:
Coolant through spindle
Tool tip air blow system
Tool Overload protection
Auto tool length measurement (ATLM)
Automatic workpiece measurement
Simple tool life management
Oil skimmer
Through hole drill kit
DNC link software
Coolant Through Spindle (CTS) Preparation
Extra coolant tank
There are 3 other sizes also available BC-700, BC-800 & BC-960